About me

Software Engineer with proficiency in JavaScript, especially in the MERN stack. I aspire to be part of a forward-moving company with a fast-growing team whose goal isto build innovative and progressive products. Seeking to utilize my skillsto provide solutionsfor the business and grow as a professional.

Work Experience

Full Stack Developer
Algorizin, Inc 2021-07-01 - 2023-05-01 •Developed Algorizin, an interactive application connecting students with industry experts to facilitate the job application process •Utilized NextJS with Typescript and PostgreSQL with TypeORM for data storage; Created mechanismsforsend automated emails using AWS SES and sending them by performing CRUD operations using REST APIs in the backend •Built the payment processing system using Stripe API; besides developing the backend, also deployed it on AWS •Collaborated with a globally distributed team of developers, product owners, and UI/UX designersfollowing the Agile Scrum methodology •Designed advanced authorization features using Express, TypeORM, JSON Web Token & Postman •Created API to allow usersto move job application cardsthrough a Kanban board which resulted in 20% more efficient job tracking and application process; created the frontend with reusable React components and used Hooksforstate management •Built an automated notification system with both email and push notifications when an event happened in the web app •Enhanced the UI designs of the login page, user dashboard page, and interview questions page to enable seamless viewing and commenting on video questions, using TailwindCSS
Front End Developer
Algorizin, Inc 2020-08-01 - 2021-06-01 •Developed an interactive cross-platform application using React called “Nudge”, which is an alumni networking platform that primarily connects professional alumni with job-seeking individuals; overall featuresinclude gamification, video conferencing,scheduling, and messaging •Enhanced the frontend section by incorporating messaging feature using Firebase and utilized Easy-peasy and AsyncStoragefor centralstate management and state persistence •Collaborated with a group of three and improved UI designs and bug fixesto enhance the overall productivity of the application
Frontend Developer
SimplePart LLC 2023-05-01 - 2023-07-01


University Of Potomac
Master’s Degree in Cyber Security 2019-10-01 - 2022-06-01 •Awarded the Proven Achievers Scholarship, John Montford Legacy Scholarship, President’s List; CGPA: 3.90 •Excelled in courses: Cyber Law and Policy, Data Analytics, Hacking Methodology, Data Structures, Cloud Computing from the ground up, Executive Leadership, Computer Networks, Operating Systems, and Business Organization
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