About me

Detail-oriented Full-stack developer with 3+ years experience in building large scale web applications. I help clients achieve memorable user experience by designing intuitive user interfaces. One of my strengths is creativity. I readily come up with innovative ideas, design with purpose and create a unique narrative journey for users. Proficient in Frontend technologies like JavaScript(ES6), Typescript, React, Redux and familiar with backend technologies like node.js, MySQL, PostgreSQL.

Throughout my professional career, I have applied my technical knowledge to develop reliable solutions that promote both customer delight and commercial success. My experience includes redesigning the user interface of onboarding form for new users at Algorizin cutting processing time by 40% and enhancing user interaction as well as Implementing visual elements that clients interact with in web application.

I continue to be devoted to personal growth and development. I want to remain on the cutting edge of technology refining and applying my skills and experience to delivering robust and scalable software products. Flexible and adaptive to fast paced environments.

Looking ahead, i am eager to bring my passion and knowledge to my next professional endeavor.

Work Experience

Full Stack Developer
Algorizin 2022-10-01 - 2023-07-01 •Created mechanisms to send automated emails using AWS SES by performing CRUD operations using REST APIs in the backend •Collaborated with a globally distributed team of developers, product owners, and UI/UX designers following the Agile Scrum methodology •Designed advanced authorization features using Express, JSON Web Token & Postma •Created the frontend with reusable React components and used Hooks for state management •Built an automated notification system with both email and push notifications for event-handling in the web app
Frontend Developer
eHealth4everyone 2021-06-01 - 2022-08-01 -Implemented visual elements that clients interact with in web application using HTML5, CSS and JavaScript, improving customer engagement by 10%. -Collaborated with product team members to implement 5 new feature developments. -Created dynamic and responsive web pages using reusable React components and Redux for state management. -Followed SDLC best practices within Agile environment to produce rapid iterations for clients. -Designed and updated web layouts to optimize user experience and performance requirements. -Frequently tested site usability while troubleshooting any bugs using Jest. -Documented resolutions using Scribe for inclusion in knowledge base for support team use.


Syracuse University
Master of Science, Electrical Engineering EE - Excelled in courses: Digital Communications, Functional Method/Linear Analysis
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