Work Experience

Software Engineer
Persistent Systems Jul 2023 - Present (May 2024)
Software Engineer
Algorizin Apr 2023 - Jul 2023
Software Engineer
Google Sep 2021 - Mar 2023 • Built infrastructure tools that enable Google-wide projects to leverage Google Cloud Platform (GCP) safely. • Designed and developed modules for an Infrastructure as Code (IaC) system using Go that enabled Google engineers to onboard and manage their projects on GCP. • Built features and tools to enable safe and managed data sharing within and outside of Google using BigQuery.
Graduate Teaching Assistant
University of Connecticut Jan 2020 - May 2021 Tutored students in-person and online. Lectured in labs. Held office hours. Set and graded homework and exams. • CSE3500: Algorithms and Complexity. Spring, 2020 • CSE1010: Introduction to Computing for Engineers. Fall, 2020 • CSE 4302: Computer Organization and Architecture. Spring, 2021 • CSE 5713: Data Mining. Spring, 2021
Graduate Research Assistant
University of Connecticut Augh 2018 - May 2021 • Designed and implemented high-performance bioinformatics algorithms to solve transmission network inference problems and applied them for regional COVID-19 contact tracing. • Developed a pipeline to simulate, and analyze tools for transmission network inference using Python and C++. • Published "TNet: Phylogeny-Based Inference of Disease Transmission Networks Using Within-Host Strain Diversity" at ISBRA 2020. • Published "TNet: Transmission Network Inference Using Within-Host Strain Diversity and its Application to Geographical Tracking of COVID-19 Spread" at IEEE/ACM TCBB 2021.
Software Engineer
Veriflow (Acquired by VMWare) Jun 2017 - Jul 2018 • Worked on developing network security systems designed to eliminate outages and vulnerabilities in the network. • Set up and tested various networking protocols using test-beds and interacting with networking devices like Cisco, Juniper, Arista, Fortinet, F5, A10, Citrix, etc. • Testing and performance analysis of devices, writing industry level codes, reports, and summaries of findings.


University of Connecticut
Master of Science - MS, Computer Science & Engineering (CSE) 2018 - 2021 Skills: English · Phylogenetics · Deep Learning · Research · Genomics · Bioinformatics
Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology
Bachelor of Science - BS, Computer Science & Engineering (CSE)Bachelor of Science - BS, Computer Science & Engineering (CSE) 2012 - 2017 Grade: 3.50Grade: 3.50 Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology, abbreviated as BUET, is one of the most prestigious institutions for higher studies in the country. About 9234 students are pursuing undergraduate and postgraduate studies in engineering, architecture, planning and science in this institution.Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology, abbreviated as BUET, is one of the most prestigious institutions for higher studies in the country. About 9234 students are pursuing undergraduate and postgraduate studies in engineering, architecture, planning and science in this institution. Skills: English · Research · Genomics · Bioinformatics · Databases.
Govt, M.M. City College
Higher Secondary School Certificate (HSC), Science Feb 2010 - Apr 2011 Skills: Bengali
Secondary School Certificate (SSC), Science Jan 2001 - Feb 2009
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