Work Experience

Graduate Research Assistant
Hokkaido University Mar 2022 - Present (May 2024)
Lectutrer of Mechanical Engineering
Bangladesh Army University of Engineering & Technology Mar 2020 - Sep 2021 Key responsibilities: • Provided lectures to undergraduate students, and assisted and supported other teaching staff in implementing educational activities. • Served on a committee that designed the curriculum and updated materials on the syllabus to a higher standard. • Implemented Outcome Based Education (OBE) learning system in the department, maintained regular communication with parents and staff.
Lecturer of Mechanical Engineering
City University Jan 2019 - Feb 2020 Key responsibilities: • Conducted classes for undergraduate students, demonstrations, and brainstorming. • Design educational activities to enhance the learning abilities and good habits of students. • Plan, develop and implement appropriate curriculum while ensuring quality. Courses taught: 1) IC Engines 2) Introduction to thermodynamics 3) Mechanical drawing 4) Computer programming 5) Mechanics of Solids (lab.)
Assistant Engineer, Plant Operations
Doreen Power May 2018 - Jan 2019 Gained experience in the working of the thermal power plant where the responsibilities were: • Operating of power generating equipment and shut down (IC Engines, Steam turbines, oil pumps, etc). • To control auxiliary equipment, and maintain critical parameters. • Performing scheduled maintenance and handling critical situations in the plant.


Hokkaido University
Master of Science - MS, Mechanical and Space Engineering Apr 2021 - Mar 2023 Activities and societies: E3 Student Organization (E3SO), Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers (JSME).
Chittagong University of Engineering & Technology
Bachelor of Science - BS, Mechanical Engineering Mar 2013 - Dec 2017 Activities and societies: Robo Mechatronics Association
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